Faith at the Polls: The Key Issues Shaping Voters This Election
"In the final weeks before Election Day, Arizona's faith communities are voicing their concerns beyond typical political divides. Issues like the economy, immigration, and education are top priorities for many, as they seek leaders who uphold values of dignity, justice, and care for the vulnerable. 'People of faith are looking for candidates who align with their values of dignity, justice, and care for the vulnerable,' shared Alicia Contrares-Alas, Executive Director of Corazón Arizona. For these voters, this election is about compassion, equity, and protecting human rights."
A Lenten Prayer for Justice & Compassion
Blessed Creator, here we are again, stumbling along a Lenten path, feeling our way in dusky twilight all too often. Walk beside us, we pray, as we struggle for justice where it seems feeble. Fill our souls with the power of Your love, to overcome all loves of power.